A Patient’s Guide to Elmiron
Drugwatch’s experts will help you learn about Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium), how it may cause vision damage and how to take legal action if you were injured.
Elmiron Vision Problems
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have taken Elmiron, also known as pentosan polysulfate sodium, to relieve pain and discomfort from interstitial cystitis since 1996. In June 2020, manufacturers added a warning to Elmiron’s prescribing information because several studies linked long-term use to pigmentary maculopathy, a degenerative eye disease. As of late 2022, Elmiron has not been recalled and remains on the market. Drugwatch’s guide explains how Elmiron could expose users to unacceptable risks and tells you how to take legal action if you developed vision problems after taking Elmiron.

Find Out If You Qualify for Compensation
If you or a loved one took Elmiron and were diagnosed with vision problems, you may be eligible for compensation. In this guide, you’ll learn which types of vision damage are included in lawsuits and what questions an Elmiron lawyer may ask.
Take a Look Inside
- What Is Elmiron?
- Elmiron and Vision Damage
- How Soon Can Vision Problems Occur?
- Has Elmiron Been Recalled?
- Should I Continue Taking Elmiron?
- Do I Qualify for a Lawsuit?
- Questions a Lawyer May Ask
- Patient Checklist
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