Publication Date: February 5, 2012
Fact Checked

Editors carefully fact-check all Drugwatch content for accuracy and quality.

Drugwatch has a stringent fact-checking process. It starts with our strict sourcing guidelines.

We only gather information from credible sources. This includes peer-reviewed medical journals, reputable media outlets, government reports, court records and interviews with qualified experts. partners with law firms. It does not endorse any organization, company or opinion listed on the site and is not responsible for third-party content obtained through the site. is not affiliated with any pharmaceutical companies or drug manufacturers.

We accept limited advertising on our site to help fund our work. Our team is committed to’s mission to keep people safe and our vision to serve as a watchdog over the government and pharmaceutical companies. Products or services that may be advertised on our site are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by informs readers of medical conditions, severe side effects and ways to take action using vetted, credible and objective sources. These include peer reviewed studies, medical and scientific journals, trusted news sources, expert interviews and government reports.

There may be times when a visitor comes to looking for assistance with a drug or medical device, and it’s determined that a trusted outside service provider or law firm would better serve the visitor. In those cases, that provider or firm may contact the visitor.

By submitting a form about a specific drug or medical device, you consent to be contacted by a Drugwatch representative or a representative from the appropriate service provider. Any information provided to will be shared with the service provider. Information provided to will not be shared, sold or provided to a data collection company unless specifically authorized.

Updated with Latest Information is continually updated to ensure current information about medications and medical devices and associated side effects is provided to the public. The information on the site is meant to complement a doctor or healthcare professional’s advice and should not be used in place of medical advice. It is important to note that most, if not all, drugs or medical devices discussed on are FDA approved.

Content found on should not be taken as medical advice and site visitors are encouraged to speak with a medical professional for medical treatment, information and recommendations. Furthermore, site visitors should not discontinue use of a drug or medical device without first seeking the advice of a medical professional.

Additionally, the legal information on should not be taken as legal advice, as the content on the site is meant to provide general legal information and is not intended to provide information about a specific visitor’s situation. The information on is not an offer to create an attorney-client relationship or perform legal services. Visitors should not act or refrain from acting due to information found on this site without the guidance of a qualified and licensed attorney.

Weitz & Luxenberg’s headquarters are located at 100 Broadway, New York, NY 10003. Other office locations include 1880 Century Park East, Suite 700, Los Angeles, CA; 2200 Lake Drive East, Suite 210, Cherry Hill, NJ, 08002; 3011 West Grand Blvd., Suite 2150, Detroit, MI 48202.

Simmons Hanly Conroy is headquartered at One Court Street, Alton, IL 62002. Simmons Hanly Conroy has offices at 230 West Monroe, Suite 2221, Chicago, Illinois, 60606; 112 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016.

Information should not be sent to Weitz & Luxenberg P.C., Simmons Hanly Conroy or any other law firm through this website. Transmissions to, in part or in whole, and/or communication with via the internet or e-mail through this website do not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship between a law firm and any recipients. Contact through is not an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship.

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Please seek the advice of a medical professional before making health care decisions.